May 23, 2014

Tails of Buster Posey Boy Boxer Dog and The Bicycle

Okay so it sounded like a good idea at the time. For my Birthday last month I got a bicycle and a “high end” dog lead for the bike. I was going to bond with my dogs while exercising them! I might even save some money! Which I didn't 'cause a bike plus helmet plus high end bike dog lead.....well over the $500.00 a canine tread mill would have had cost me....but of course we were going to bond by spending quality time together! I had taken my boy Charlie out and he was very well behaved with meaningful eye contact being made between us. Biscuit, was a real angel, we went slower and enjoyed the view and smells of the neighborhood after a light rain. When Biscuit and I returned home it was beginning to sprinkle again so my plan was to put away the bike and go inside for some hot chocolate.....that was when Buster Posey made met me at the gate.....with those sad "you love them more than me" eyes. Guilt is a mighty tool in the canine psyche of "How to Get Your Way With Your Humans Every Time!" So of course I turned the bike around and hooked the boy up to it. Yes I did have a moment of "What the Hell are you thinking Susan this is Buster," but it passed quickly as I looked down into those dark brown eyes of his. Soon we were the picture of canine human bonding as we went down the street , older woman on a bike, younger dog running smoothly next to her in the rain.....well sort of.....for a very short moment. We were headed in a forward motion when Buster decided he wanted to go sideways down the street. There he was keeping pace while doing a paw over paw sideways gait. With the rain coming down, I must admit with his agility of sideways paw steps, Buster reminded me of Gene Kelly in Singing In The Rain. “I'm singin' in the rain. Just singin' in the rain. What a glorious feeling, And I'm happy again.” I hummed the next few lines when I noted that we were gaining speed….rather rapidly….and the rain was coming down a bit harder. I quickly glanced down at B.P. and I no longer saw a vision of Gene Kelly, no to my horror he had become more of a Mylie Cyrus, naked except for his collar, tongue hanging out. He had the “high end” dog lead, firmly in the grasp of his jaws and was chewing on it as he pulled me toward a busy intersection. A maneuver that the video that came with the “high end” bicycle dog lead said was impossible! Obviously they haven’t met Buster Posey! In my head the joyful notes of Singing In The Rain, were now replaced with “I came in like a wrecking ball. You left me crashing in a blazing fall.” I hit the brakes hard as I slid into the intersection. My life was flashing before my eyes. Was this to be the end of me? Was I to meet my maker, dressed in an old boxer sweat shirt, grandma jeans and mismatched socks (I really needed to do my laundry) being drug through the streets by a Mylie Cyrus wanna-be Boxer named Buster Posey? On my third scream of “Buster Stop!” the little bugger made eye contact with me and…..stopped. There was only one car in the intersection and he was making a right turn so any bike vs. auto contact was avoided. To be honest I was a bit shaken as I slowly walked my bike back to the house dragging Buster behind me. After parking my bike in the garage I lead Buster to the back yard. As I closed the gate behind him, he looked up at me with his tongue hanging out, (Mylie would have been proud!) and with a mighty swipe of his tongue, he licked the lock on the gate and strutted off. In my head I again heard Mylie, “He came in like a wrecking ball” but the visual in my head was that of Buster being Buster, chomping on my new high end bicycle dog lead, running full speed ahead into heaven knows what! God bless Buster Posey’s Guardian Canine Angels. He keeps them very busy!
Hey Guys!!!

I know it's been a long time since you have heard from me but I am alive and doing well. The Old Lady and I get along pretty well now as she has someone else to complain about. His name is Buster Posey and he is very Naughty! The Old Girl writes about him on face book. Since a lot of you are not on face book, I've decided to share Buster's stories with you so tune in occasionally to find out what The Old Girl has to complain about now.......I'm just glad it's not me!