June 12, 2014

Buster and the plunger!

Well Gang, Buster Posey has been at it again, making me look like a very well behaved pooch! The Old Lady just loves complaining about him. Here is her latest complaint!
Have you ever wondered if dogs have an imagination? Like when as puppies they play fight with lots of growling and gnashing of teeth do they not imagine themselves to be the biggest bad ass wrestler pup on the block? And when after their bath they run around the yard like a gymnast jumping over small bushes and garden walls, doing mid air flips and then stop, effortlessly do a self stack. Have they not imagined themselves at the Olympics and now give you that look of "Was that not the most perfect performance ever?"
Then there are those special instances when one of your dog crew decides, on his own, to pick up a rather large and disgusting drain pipe from a pile of pipes that was removed from the floor of your kitchen earlier that day. (We are doing a Kitchen re-modeling....pray for me!) He then proceeds to parade around the back yard with the five foot by six inch pipe in his mouth with his head held high and his tail erect. Do you think he is imagining that he is a prehistoric wolf and that he is showing off his kill to the rest of the pack? (who by the way are snoozing in the shade of the plum tree and could care less about it) Then later that day when he is sly enough to capture a well used toilet plunger from the garage and you are chasing him around the back yard yelling "Buster Posey Burnett" drop it! (And yes it's true that if you use their last name, then they know you are seriously ticked off!) But does said dog think, "She is just trying to steal my Tyrannosaurus bone from me" and then runs faster? But moments later as he flips it in the air and catches it plunger end in his mouth and then starts to chase after you, as he munches on the rubber of the well used plunger, do you not imagine that he is an alien dog from another planet far...far....so very far away and for the sake of your sanity "Would someone pleeeease beam him up!"