June 9, 2010

Just Ask Brent!

Dear Just Brent,

While I'm not one of your "girls", I am a huge fan!
First off I am an only pup. My Mom doesn't mind my being the one and only and as a pup-pup it was very cool having an open bar to myself at all times! But at six weeks she cut me off! I tried looking at her with my "sad soulful eye look” but she would just say "Don't even think about it kid!” My dear Grandma and Aunts kinda took over and would baby me, giving me lots of kisses and playing "peek a pup" with me. It was fun for awhile but at this point enough is enough! Don't get me wrong, I love my Gamma and my girlie girl Aunts. It's just now that I'm older I want to be spend more time with my way cool Uncle. I mean the guy rocks! He's got it all, good looks, attitude and respect from the ladies! He let's me hang out with him, but I can tell by the way he looks at me, he's thinking "Silly Puppy". My problem is I'm hardly a puppy anymore! I'm almost seven months old and filling out very nicely if I do say so myself!
How do I get my Mom, my Gamma, my girlie girl Aunts and my way cool Uncle to appreciate this fact?



Age 7 months

AKA - Dude with a 'Tude in AZ.

Dear Dude with a 'Tude,

Getting the "Big Dog" , in your case your “way too cool Uncle”, to respect you can be a real challenge . It might surprise you but I have had some difficulties in this area myself. But here are a few ideas that have worked for me:

1. When the "Big Dog" is perusing the parameter of the property you can follow behind him at a respectful distance with a look in your eye of "I've got your back big guy”. He will like this as it supports him as the pack leader! But you must be very careful that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES do you get ahead of him. Because it could be very scary for you if you are the first one to confront a prowler or a snake or a neighbors new dog (even if it is a little one) and then when you run screaming like a pup-pup back into the house the "Big Dog" will snicker at you!

2. Laugh at all of the "Big Dog's" jokes whether you understand them or not. He will take this as a sign of camaraderie and think you as clever as he!

But under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ask your snooty cousin what the "Big Dog's" joke meant as she will tell everybody that you didn't "get it" and then they will all treat you like your the joke......and this will hurt your feelings really bad.

3. Always let the "Big Dog" eat first. This is a definite sign of respect and he will know you are a team member!

Do not under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES let the "Big Dog" catch you eating "TREAT". He will look at you with disdain in his eye and then shake his head as if to say "What rock did you crawl out from under kid ?"

Now as far as your Mom, Gamma and girlie girl Aunties, my advice is to get a new puppy!!!! A new puppy will absolutely make you look older and it will give you someone to boss around! But beware as a new puppy can be a double edged sword! The new puppy might be really cute and really soft and your Mom, Gamma, and girlie girl Aunties might like him better than you! So if you get one make sure to get an ugly one with scratchy fur!

Best to you,

Brent the Boy Boxer Dog

Dear Just Brent,

I have recently found myself in a new home with folks I adore! I was wondering if you have any advice on how to ensure that they like me. I know that I am cute but how far can good looks really get you? I'm looking for some sound advice because I want them to really, really, really like me!

Thank You,
Gwen, THE Girl Boxer Dog
Age 5 months .
Rancho, CA

Dear Gwen,

How lucky you are to be in a home with NICE folks! Doesn't sound like you have a snooty cousin or The Old Lady bossy type of family. It is a good sign that you appreciate that early on.
As far as wanting them to really like you here is my advice:

1. Always act really happy to see them when they come in the door whether they have been gone 2 minutes or 2 days. Humans just love it when their dog acts all crazy with love when they see them. I know it is a bit humiliating at times to jump around, licking at their fingers, acting all bubbly 'cause they just walked in the door. Especially if they're return interrupts your snooze on the couch or counter surfing for a snack. But let us remember they are humans and because of that they need that dose of unconditional love on a regular bases to keep 'em going.

2. Do your business outside and not inside the house. Humans can act so lofty about their dogs excrement habits! But we are suppose to look the other way when they use the big porcelain water bowel in the bathroom to do their unmentionables. Heck, The Old Lady goes ballistic when I drink from it. Sometimes she is so hard to understand. Big bowl, with cold fresh water in it, at just the right height. What does she think it's there for?

3. Always, always play with them when ever you can. Humans need lots of exercise and a good game of fetch or chase can make all the difference in their day. Also try and walk them at least once a day pausing regularly to let them stop and smell the roses! Sometimes humans are in such a hurry, to do what I do not know, that they forget what is really important. Playing, eating and sleeping!

4. Just be yourself kid! Being cute and fun filled will make up for the few mistakes that we all make as pups. And don't forget, good looks can take you a long way, just look at me!

Best to you,

Brent the Boy Boxer Dog

Need some advice on life? Just Ask Brent!

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