May 5, 2010

Brent and the Sneeze!

Hey Folks! It's Me Brent!

Achoo! Ah! I do enjoy a good sneeze! It's like having fizzes up your nose which is better than a bee any day!

Well if you haven't noticed winter is over and Spring has sprung and I have to be honest, it could not have come at a better time. I swear to you as a boy boxer dog, all of the rain and dreary was getting to me! I found myself wanting to sleep more and eat more and dig more and .......oh wait that's all the stuff I love doing best in any weather! Okay, so it was the dreary skies I have become weary of. Yeah that's it! Now the skies are sunny and full of white puffy clouds! I like to lie on my back and gaze up at the clouds and imagine what it would be like to be a cloud. Then I roll back over and take a nap 'cause actually, clouds are a bit boring and they make me really sleepy.

But beware ladies, Spring is not as passive a season as one might imagine! Oh No! There are dangers at this time of year and hence I have constructed my list.

"Ten things plus one to Beware of in Spring"

By, Brent The Boy Boxer Dog

AKA "Just Brent"

1. Chasing Butterflies. Yes they are fun to chase after but if you catch them and lick their wings, they don't fly so well and then The Old Lady will yell at you, "Brent leave those Butterflies alone ". But you might forget and if you get caught again you will be put in a "Time Out" in your crate/jail (for heaven knows how long). Besides that, butterflies do not taste like butter, they taste like beetles and beetles DO NOT TASTE GOOD! No matter what my snooty cousin Sonie dares you to do. Do not eat a beetle!

2. Rolling on the Grass. Okay this sounds like a good idea but trust me, it's not on a freshly mowed lawn. It can be very scratchy and you can get welts on your belly that really itch! But you do smell spring time fresh afterwards.

3. Being kind to Lady Bugs. Yes they are cute as they flutter about. But if you let them land on your nose and you stare at them for a long can get a really bad headache and the beagle next door says your eyes could stay crossed FOREVER. But what does he know. He chases his tail most of the day and goes out late at night to bark at the moon. Which come to think of it, really ticks off The Old maybe he isn't so dumb after all.

4. Temptation to run in circles and then drink lots of water. While running is very fun, throwing up is not.

5. Allowing a June bug to go in your ear. They are not as bright as they might first appear to be. They have a tendency to get lost and stay in your ear. After the buzzing finally dies down, you have to go to The Old Man's office and he removes it with a long pincher. June bugs do not smell very nice after being lost in your ear for a week.

6. Licking between your toes when you get bored. Yes it can be tasty at times, but it's not worth having both The Old Lady and The Old Man yell at you. Also your mom will not be pleased with you. She will tell you "It's tacky!"
7. Chasing Humming Birds.......You will look really stupid as they are really fast and you could trip over a low wall and fall into a fish pond trying to catch one. Even your mother might laugh at you and say "Now that was really dumb." (Which could hurt your feelings and make you very sad.)
8. Licking Bees on the ground. They are tasty. But their stingers REALLY hurt!

9. Eating Bees on a wall. They are very tasty. But their stingers REALLY, REALLY hurt!

10. Sniffing Bees on a bush. They do smell good! But their stingers REALLY, REALLY do hurt!

11. Picking of Spring Flowers. Although their bright colors and fragrant pedals are VERY tempting. Do not pick them and then take the time and energy to arrange them in a spectacular array in the middle of the patio. Your humans will only chastise you and put you in a time out. Even though it's Mothers Day and you were only trying to express your love and admiration for The Old Lady.......snicker, snicker. You so know I was just having fun with my snooty cousin Sonie. Who refused to pick a pedal, 'cause she, thinks she's all that, but certainly enjoyed the mayhem of shredding and arranging, then conveniently snuck away when The Old Lady appeared. Now I'm in a "time out" in my crate/jail and Sonie is on the couch watching "Law & Order" reruns with The Old Lady. SPRING FLOWERS are NOT worth all the trouble they can create for you!

Well that's my list!
So beware and take care,
Your friend,
Brent The Boy Boxer

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