July 3, 2010

Brent and the new puppies

(This was originally written by Brent in late April)
Sorry it's so late but "It's hard to get reliable proof readers these days!"

Hey Folks
Yep it's me Brent!

Just a quick note as we are all very busy here with my new brothers and sister puppies.

This morning while The Old Lady was cleaning up the kitchen (At last!) the big dog Doc opened the dog room/prison gate and set us all free. He is very smart and knows all sorts of tricks which if I was ever caught doing would be put in an immediate time out for life! While the big dog Doc and my snooty cousin Sonie ran into the kitchen to suck up to The Old Lady, I went looking for my Mom Biscuit whom I had not seen all week. I was worried! I looked for her in her regular hangouts like the living room couch, The Old Folk's bed and the up stairs bathroom where she likes to pilfer through the bathroom waste basket in hopes of finding a napkin full of cookie crumbs from the Old Man's late night cookie jar raids. But she was no where to be found!
I was about to give up hope when I stuck my head into the downstairs den, where I found her sitting with four very cute puppies that kinda reminded me of fat sausages. I know the next door dog Benny the beagle said they were coming, I just didn't know they were here already!

I was very excited as I asked them, in a cool older brother voice, "Hey guys, how's it going?" The pups just kept their eyes closed and didn't even try to return my salutation. To be honest I 'm afraid that they might be taking after my snooty cousin Sonie.
My mom Biscuit said I needed to keep my voice down so as not to disturb the babies. Since she is my mother and very smart I did as I was told and sat quietly next to my old puppy crib. I soon found watching the puppies rather boring as little puppies don't do a whole lot and seemed perfectly happy to just sleep and sleep and sleep some more. I must admit though, that I did enjoy watching my mom Biscuit. As I sat there staring at my mom's pretty boxer girl face and watching the gentle way she was caring for the new pups, (where they came from I'm not quite sure) I realized how much I had missed her so I leaned my head into the crib and gave her a kiss on her cheek, which I know she loves. That's when The Old Lady entered the room. She immediately let old a dramatic gasp and grabbed me by my collar. "You don't belong in here Brent, get out!" she bellowed. Talk about being too loud!
I looked to my mom Biscuit who just moments before had instructed me to lower my voice, but she had turned her attention back to the new pups and was ignoring both me and The Old Lady. Now I can't be sure, but I'm pretty sure that as The Old Girl dragged me away and closed the den door behind us I heard my mom Biscuit whisper, "I still love you Brent." I guess it really doesn't matter whether she did or not 'cause I know she does!"

Well have a nice morning,

Brent the Boy Boxer Dog

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